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KE Behavior Influencing Factors

  • Genetics – affects and tends to govern the individual’s instinctive tendencies to act or react in certain directions within the individual’s relevant ecosystem.  It is the substance that lies beneath the thin veneer of civilization.  A Knight-Errant defines a gene pool of one and is usually self-contained, an egosystem.
  • Attitude – the degree to which the person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior in question.  By definition, a Knight-Errant has a favorable evaluation of errant behavior.
  • Social norms – the influence of social pressure that is perceived by the individual (normative beliefs) to perform or not perform a certain behavior.  Social pressure has little influence on a Knight-Errant.
  • Perceived behavioral control – the individual’s belief concerning how easy or difficult performing or controlling the behavior will be.  Ease or difficulty in performance of an action is not a Knight-Errant’ relevant consideration.
  • Core faith – The person’s set of beliefs, like religion, philosophy, et cetera, provided, sometimes subconsciously, by his family, peers, social media, and the society in which he lives.  A Knight-Errant’ core faith tends to be unshakable and slow to change, if at all.
  • Self-perception – A pauper, a noble—both present behaviors consistent with others’ expectations; and there are some that care naught for expectations.  A Knight-Errant is a person with a charge or mission which drives his activity, a focus which determines his priorities.  To the Knight-Errant, the world is full of nails and he is a hammer; the narcissistic Knight-Errant may even consider himself to be The Hammer with self-grandizement being the Mission.